M i r i E m b r y o D i s t r i b u t i o n
Alternative Option Form
Name: Gideon Family Name: Ofrat
Passport No.: 07105109 Nationality: Israeli
Gender: Single Martial Status: Married
Telephone: 02-6254430 Fax: 02-6240569
Address: 6 Mavoh Hamatmid St., Jerusalem
Role: Unclear Profession: Inter-disciplinarian
Name of new born child: The Writings of Ofrat
visual or verbal comments:
Due to the idea of an indirect interaction responsible for shared fatherhood-motherhood, I see in you – dear Miri Nishri – from this day on a lawful mother and a full partner to all my books and essays (the list of “children” is hereby attached) in the past, present and future.
Our intercourse was platonic and rare, however, see and behold how
much we fertilized each other.
I thank you for everything!!!