M i r i E m b r y o D i s t r i b u t i o n
Fatherhood Denial Form
Given Name: Ran Family Name: Schechori
Passport Number: 00761187-4 Marital Status: married
Gender: M. Nationality: ? Address: 13 Menorah St. Givaatayim
Telephone/Fax: 7322385/ 5715345
Profession: Teacher Role: Head of Department
Name of the new born child:
Visual or verbal comments:
I have been a teacher for 40 years, spreading myself and splitting myself for countless students, attendant or non-attendant. From this accumulating experience, I learned that there is no, or hardly any, meaning to fatherhood. The seed is destined, by its very nature, to be absorbed in another body, to merge with another being, to form processes of absorption, condensation and growth, conducted on various lands, and with the interference of an endless number of other factors. Therefore, who can tell what fatherhood is?
Date: 14.1.99