M i r i E m b r y o D i s t r i b u t i o n
Adoption Form
Given Name: Natan Family Name : Zach
Passport No. 00276690 Marital status : Divorced
Gender: Until recently – male
Nationality: Doubtful due to the state of the nation
Address: No. 9 , Rabin square
Telephone / Fax : 03-5237339
Profession: Guide / Pathfinder
Role: To melt down the stony-heart of human-beings
Name of the new born child: IF=THAN (male) – or – WHY=NOT (female)
Visual or verbal comments:
I hereby adopt Miri Nishri’s metaphorical fetus. If Israel embraced an infant in its cradle as it’s leader (Moses), why shouldn’t I adopt a fetus whose parenthood is spiritual and it expresses / embodies the fact that we were all, once, new-born babies underneath the sky.
Much like the seeds of the body, capable of fertilizing numerous women, so may the seeds of the spirit be carried through the air from one corner of the world to the next, showing us the extent of our parental = fetal affinity towards each other.
But, I also adopt him because, at least this metaphorical fetus will never get me to the Rabbinate (chief Jewish authority- o.k.), nor to a court of law or lead me to a damages claim.
Nevertheless, I am proud of Miri Nishri’s drawn fetus,
I commend the idea as I do the performance.
At yet, at another time we may progress to integrate non-metaphorical fetuses.