I received a message about a ‘package’ in my mailbox.
I could not remember your name nor our connection to one another.
So I will describe to you in words what went on in my head (and in my gut) during the process of receiving this package from you.
Surprise – denial –
“…Whose package is this? Not mine! This must be a mistake! Is it a bomb? I must return it to the sender at once! It is not related to me; neither relevant nor familiar. It is out of my world…”
(I opened it, and saw the baby/fetus)
Shock –
“.. Panic, fear, pity…”
(I read – “… since you are a person who inhabits this world…”)
Responsibility –
“Yes! I do have responsibility over children, even those whom I cannot claim biologically!”
I have responsibility over the world in which I live in.
And in my own way, I try to fulfill it.