Despite the fact a tissue sample has not been taken, but it is most likely as You being a creature of this world, as I am, has made our relationship inevitable. I therefore see you as a full partner in the creation of this life pulsating within me. Life incessantly being formed, slowly and inexorably emitting new offspring.
Dear potential father, if you too believe in this relationship, you are hereby invited to become a part of the End of Days dynasty and achieve eternal life. Please answer a simple questionnaire that will ensure the successful inception of our baby.
The baby, whose image opens this website, is the sibling of over 350 babies sent by “Miri Embryo Distribution” (The Artist Miri Nishri), since 1998 and until this day, to various “fathers” all over the globe. The father creates a new evolution, an alternative family of sorts, that founded a colony composed of hundreds of decedents and fathers and one mother.
Miri – Embryo Distribution – The Scroll
The story of the project “Is This Baby Yours?” told from the perspective of the multi-faceted Miri-Embryo Distribution
How it all began
An interview with “Miri Embryo Distribution”
This website contains the past, present and future responses:
Materials created about the project – Testimonies